I looked up and saw Kaleb and Kedar both standing in their flannel PJ's, rubbing their eyes, eagerly awaiting breakfast. I knew they had to be seriously hungry to give up sleep and get up that early. Neither of them is typically awake at that hour.
Mommy Duty began a whole lot sooner than usual and my alone time quickly turned into pancake-cooking time. But hey, I didn't mind much. I was able to steal some moments later in the afternoon.
For the boys, however, by days end, the adjustment to their schedules had really taken its toll. The loss of sleep apparently left those two delirious. Both of them, in the middle of quietly playing with their cars on the floor, fell asleep together.
They were indeed exhausted.
Turns out, that minor schedule change had a major impact on their ability to function. Kaleb and Kedar were both simply too tired to enjoy their playtime. What their hunger had driven them to do that morning, was felt later in the evening.
Hunger is a powerful thing. It is a catalyst for change. It shakes us out of our dormant state and ignites a fire in our soul.
Desire inspires.
It gets us up and going. But here is the caveat. We must be careful not to exhaust ourselves by running after something too early. Otherwise, we'll end up like Kedar and Kaleb. We'll be too worn down to enjoy what we have attained.
Always know this. Whenever we're operating in God's perfect timing, things come to us more easily. On the contrary, when we chase after things too early, everything is a struggle. Things feel stressful, forced, and burdensome. That's why it's important to do what we talked about yesterday, and embrace your "waiting place" until God sees fit to release you.
If you're feeling frazzled and nothing is coming together, ask yourself, "Is it too early? Is God telling me to wait, while I'm trying to run ahead of Him?"
Sometimes we just need to be still.
We have to learn to wait for divine guidance in all matters, and seek confirmation before moving forward. I know hunger awakens something within us; yet, God does not desire for us to ever be reckless in our pursuits.
So, let us be mindful of the importance of balancing our hunger for the vision, with a hunger to be in God's will. Our desire must be to please Him first, so we will never begin serving our own interests in His name.
Today, I encourage you to acknowledge what the Lord is stirring up within you. Be prayerful. And when you have clearance, act on it. Even if it pushes you beyond your place of comfort, do what God instructs you to do. Your life's mission depends upon it.
Don't ignore your hunger.
It's simply an indication that there is a void that can only be filled with purpose... all in God's perfect timing.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs