After returning home from grocery shopping over the week-end, the kids decided they wanted to help their dear old mom and dad, by putting away all the groceries without our assistance. So, with gleaming eyes full of pride, they worked together to get the job done.
Once the task was completed, Kenya and I came back into the kitchen fairly impressed with what the children had managed to accomplish together. That is, until random items could not be located. For example, when I got ready to prepare some soup we had purchased, I couldn't find it anywhere for the life of me. Kenya and I each looked all over the kitchen for it. "Did you forget to put the soup in the bag?" I asked my husband.
But he assured me. Nope, he had not forgotten this time. The next logical step was to check in with the little "helpers" to see if they could assist us with our soup hunt.
Initially, none of them had any recollection... until a light bulb suddenly went off in Kedar's head. "You mean this mommy?" he asked with a confused look on his face, as he pulled the soup out of the refrigerator. So funny.
Hey, at least they get an "E" for effort, right?
Although the kids' "help" turned out not to be quite so helpful in the end, I was at least able to draw a valuable principle from it, which is this. Every well-intentioned person is not equipped, qualified, or able to help, enhance, or improve you.
You have to be careful about who you trust, otherwise your life can be thrown into confusion. Every offer, proposition, or outstretched hand is not from God. So, unless you know the Lord has sanctioned a connection, don't be so quick to jump into things.
You see, lots of folks mess up. They try so hard to keep an open mind and open heart that, at times, they are far too open. Consequently, their openness leaves them wide open and susceptible to the wrong things and people.
I'm sure you can relate to that.
At this very moment, God is challenging you to closely examine your circle. It's time to take a closer look at some of the people in your space. Who's influencing you? Are they helping or hindering you? Are they bringing drama or serenity into your life? Are they constantly taking from you and rarely, if ever, giving anything in return?
You need to know the answer to these questions if you want to maintain balance and order in your life. I told you yesterday, everybody can't go where you're going. You can't take everyone with you. There are some folks who hinder you and keep you in a constant state of turmoil--even the well-meaning ones. But meaning well and doing well isn't the same thing.
My prayer for you today is that you will allow God to do the necessary pruning in your life, so He can carry you to new heights in Him.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs