Aside from spiritual principles, Mom made sure I knew how to wash those dishes, clean up that house, cook up a good meal, stitch up and patch up holes, and also wash clothes without shrinking them, or making them dingy.
One of the fundamental lessons I learned about washing, was the importance of separating the "lights" from the "darks," because if you put them in the wash together, some of the dye from the dark clothes could soak into the light clothes, and cause them to lose their brightness. Of course, it took me a few tries to learn this lesson. Even after I understood it, I would try to sneak in a pair of jeans, or a dark-colored sweater with a white shirt when I didn't want to separate the loads.
But once I saw that mixing these things together caused my white shirts or undergarments to be tinted with pink, gray, or blue... I recognized the value of Mom's original lesson...
The separation was necessary.
Whenever I ignored that principle against my better judgment, the results would always be undesirable. Even if there wasn't an apparent drastic color change during the first wash, the more I mixed the loads, the dingier the whites became over time.
Whether the color change happened instantly or gradually, it always happened, without fail. And the same is true in our walk with the Lord. There are some things we have to remain separated from. Otherwise, we'll become tainted.
Some things don't mix.
You see, we can't roll around in the mud all day and expect to get up spotless. When I was younger, whenever I hung around someone for an extended period of time, because of the high level of exposure, I would find myself picking up their mannerisms and behaviors. I would adopt their phrases, style, and sense of humor.
Essentially, I conformed.
Although I'm older and more mature now, I must never be so arrogant and naive, that I begin believing I am above being influenced. No one is. That is why we have to be careful what we fill our time with. What are we watching? What sites are we visiting online? What are we listening to? What television shows are we glued to? What type people are we around most of the time?
We have to be prayerful in our selection, especially these days when we constantly hear that popular watered down argument that says we can do pretty much whatever we want, as long as "God knows our heart."
Don't be fooled. There is a price to pay for negative associations. They deeply affect you and your decisions, and your ability to be a shining example. How can we win the lost when we act, talk, and behave just like them? I pray that you don't allow the enemy to deceive you and cause you to compromise your standards.
Submit your will to God and remain separate, sanctified, and set apart, so God can set you up on a platform for His glory.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs