I was deeply disturbed when I heard them say that, particularly because, for a long time, this person has stood and taught against the very thing they were trying to get me to do. Long story short, I told them, "Sorry, my convictions guide me, not my connections."
If the word of God doesn't support it, neither do I.
That whole situation left a really bad taste in my mouth, but that's the reality of what is happening with many believers these days. I must be honest, it can be very disheartening to see the level of compromise many people are willing to accept and adapt to, for the sake of personal gain. But, God is not pleased. He's seeking warriors, worshipers and willing vessels, who will stand up and stand out for what's right.
I cannot reconcile consciously saying, I know this is wrong, but it's just way too good to pass up. God cannot use us to carry out our Kingdom assignment with that type mentality. He needs to be able to trust us to walk away from what pleases our flesh, in order to please Him. We have to willingly reject what is wrong, in order to cleave to what is righteous and good according to God's word.
We must make a commitment to live lives consistent with our principles.
Otherwise, we will compromise and ruin our witness. I don't think I'll ever forget the look in this person's eyes when they were telling me, "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity Dianna! You have to do it!" They had completely given over to this thing, not realizing that, aside from betraying God, those who do not embrace the love or message of Christ will see this as proof that there really isn't any validity to the salvation we preach about.
The Kingdom can't afford such losses.
If you're anything like me, you don't want to make God ashamed. You're willing to say, "No matter what I have to give up, I'll do it for the sake of the Kingdom."
It takes that kind of resolve, because temptation is always going to be out there. The Bible says, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of
the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the
world" (1 John 2:16). If we're going to live for God, we've got to reject the ways, philosophies and methodologies of the world and embrace a Kingdom mindset. Be warned, however, your stance won't be popular among the vast majority.
Compromise, these days, is like a chronic, contagious and voracious disease, that is ravaging those who live by impulses and not by the word of God. The problem is, they have not accepted the fact that, when you truly say yes to the Lord, you're inevitably going to have to say no to a whole lot of other stuff. Plain and simple.
But, in a society that teaches self-indulgence and self-satisfaction, it takes submitting to the leading of the Holy Spirit, to choose self-denial.
I remember growing up singing a song that says, "I want to be a follower of Christ. I want to be one of His disciples. I want to walk in the newness of life, so let me be a follower of Christ..." I still sing it. The difference is, now I'm living it, out of an understanding that, following Christ isn't just about professing my faith and saying, "I'm saved." It's about being a disciplined believer, learning and practicing the principles found in the word of God.
I know I can't merely say I love God and then live a lifestyle that contradicts His word. Love is an action. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments" (John 14:15). I've got to be willing to pay the cost of discipleship, which is, obedience at all costs.
Today, let us all embrace God's way and His word above any other source. Our prayer must be, "Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes, and I shall keep it to the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law; Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart" (Psalm 119:33 34).
When we take that approach to life and all the opportunities presented to us along the way, then and only then, will our lives fall in line with Kingdom principles, precepts and practices. Furthermore, we won't be endorsing and co-signing anything that God doesn't endorse or co-sign in His word, which is the final authority and complete road map for all things pertaining to life.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs