She said in her typed message to me, "I feel like I'm stuck in a maze, like I'm so small compared to the big time, successful people, who seem to have all the answers." Although Fatima knows God has gifted her, she's not sure that she'll ever figure out how to maximize her God-given potential and really become fruitful.
As you're reading this, you might understand and relate to the internal turmoil Fatima is going through. I certainly can. If we're honest, we've all been there at some point. Someone reading this blog post may even be there right now. If so, I want to encourage you not to fret and by all means, do not give any credence or validity to those feelings of insignificance or inadequacy. Otherwise, the enemy will use them against you as a means of hindering you from fervently pursuing what God has for you. He'll tell you that you don't have the power to make a difference and that you'll never grow beyond where you are today.
Simply put, the devil is a liar.
He knows that if he can keep you overly concerned and consumed with what the future holds, you won't live in the present. Consequently, you'll miss out on what God is trying to do in you today, in order to prepare and develop you for what's coming tomorrow. Greater things are indeed coming, if you don't get weary where you are.
You see, the enemy knows that, if he can keep you comparing yourself to others, doubting your ability to fulfill God's call, and questioning whether the effort is even worth it at all, you'll be too distracted, discouraged and depressed to put in the work your purpose requires.
What the enemy won't tell you is that, you're a world changer. You're an invaluable jewel and asset to the Kingdom of God and because of the power, purpose and favor of God that rests on your life, when you answer His call on your life, nothing is impossible to you.
Just continue walking along your set path and watch God open doors and make ways for you to do everything He's assigned you to do for His glory. Again, don't be weary where you are. Every word God has spoken over your life will come to pass in His perfect time.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs