My six year old son, Kedar, is a counting enthusiast. He'll count just about anything. No matter how many or few items are in front of him, his fascination with amounts, facts and figures, periodically takes over and he'll just start counting out of the blue.
Sometimes, I silently observe his meticulous process, intrigued by how something so simple can be quite that fascinating to him.
Well, the other day, Kedar climbed into my bed, picked up a book I had been reading and started pointing to the individual letters on the front cover. "One, two, three, four, five.." he counted, with such intense focus. But, when his baby brother, Kaleb, saw big brother Kedar huddled over this book, Kaleb decided he wanted a playmate.
"Play cows (cars) with me Kee-dow (Kedar)," Kaleb whined with pleading eyes, while holding two fist-fulls of shiny matchbox cars he got for Christmas. The one thing Kedar loves more than most other things, is playing with cars. Even though he tried hard not to get sidetracked by Kaleb's enticement, sure enough, Kedar eventually lost his focus... and his count.
That made me think about how both children and adults share the same struggle when it comes to overcoming distractions. It's easier than we care to admit to get off course and lose sight of our goals, especially because the enemy knows precisely what to dangle in front of us to divert our attention away from what God wants us to be focusing on.
He knows what we like.
Chances are, unlike my two sons Kaleb and Kedar, you are in no way intrigued by rolling matchbox cars through a house, while crawling on your hands and knees. However, there is something we each can identify in our own lives, that we have to consciously say no to, in order to say yes to the plan and purpose of God.
This year, God is requiring that we be accountable for the vision He has implanted in us and it's going to require that we walk away from some things. But, in order to find the strength to turn away, you've got to get in your word, pray, seek God's face and renew your spirit in the presence of the Lord. This is so necessary, because the enemy is seeking opportunities everyday to get you off course.
Today, I'm encouraging you to walk closely with God. Focus on your focus and pay attention to what you're paying attention to. Make sure you're committed to the vision God has given you for 2010 and don't let anything or anyone stop your from pursuing it. As you walk in accordance with His will for your life, distractions are guaranteed to be all around you. There's no escaping that fact.
Still, you don't have to be distracted by distractions when you keep your mind stayed on Jesus and give yourself over to the mission and ministry He's implanted in your spirit. Once again, stay committed to the vision. Say no to any hindrance or stumblingblock that comes to pull you away from the place God has designed for you to walk in.
It's all about being purpose-driven in 2010.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs