About a week ago, a business colleague of mine told me they had something urgent to speak to me about and they thought I'd be very interested in hearing whatever it was. So, a couple days after receiving the message we finally connected and met up. They sat me down to talk about "an exciting business opportunity" better known as, a new way to make money.
I sat there listening intently, although I knew almost immediately that, it wasn't quite my cup of tea. No, it wasn't anything unethical or wrong. It's just that, I'm one of those people who is driven and motivated by purpose, not increased revenue, which is why I pass up lots of "opportunities" that come my way.
Well, after about 20 minutes, when they were finished with their pitch (A very good one by the way), with excited eyes, they asked the "million dollar question"...
"So, tell me, what do you think?"
I had to be honest. I just spit it right out. "While this sounds like a really interesting and lucrative idea," I said, "I don't think it's for me, because I wouldn't feel passionate or purpose-driven doing something like that." They understood and thanked me for my time. We parted ways amicably and I wished them all the best in their endeavors.
I often say, every good idea is not a God idea. There is a fundamental difference between chasing a goal that is divinely inspired, versus one that is peer inspired. While there are a plethora of ways to attain material "success", there are very specific methods God has ordained for us to use toward the fulfillment of our Kingdom purpose on earth. We have to have our ears tuned into heaven's frequency, however, in order to know what they are.
As I mentioned earlier, the idea was fine, I even considered it to be a good one... for them. As for me, I didn't feel the release to go in that direction.
Has anything been presented to you that seems compelling, but yet, you know it's not what God wants for you? If so, stick with what you know in your spirit. Although we live in a capitalistic society that encourages an opportunistic approach to business and money-making, as believers, we are not driven by the acquisition of things; at least, we shouldn't be. The Word teaches us to first seek after God and His righteousness and everything else will be added. (Matthew 6:33)
Now, this doesn't mean you should be closed to new ideas. Absolutely not. You never know how God will use others to influence your life and potentially help you out along the way. But, here's the caveat. Don't do anything unless you feel the leading of the Lord to take action.
Today, I encourage you to continue to be diligent about staying on the set path God has laid out for you; don't ever allow a convincing idea to persuade you to make a move, if you haven't heard from the Lord about it first. Surely, God may use others as catalysts toward particular beneficial actions in our lives, yet He must always be the ruling authority and always have the last say.
If nothing else, I'm convinced of this one thing: If you and I acknowledge God in all our ways, He'll direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Remember, the most important thing is that we live a life fully submitted and committed to the will of God. I believe, if we do that, our posture of obedience will ensure that everything else works out for our good in the end.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs