Ever since becoming a Mom, I try to keep a few products on hand at all times, like Neosporin antibiotic ointment with pain relief and band-aids. So, if any of the four children accidentally gets a minor scrape, cut, or burn, I can instantly whip out my tiny tube of ointment and cover the wound with the soothing salve they need to feel better quickly, while simultaneously fighting a potential infection.
Boy, they don't know how good they've got it. Back when I was a little girl, there was no special over-the-counter ointment applied to numb my pain. If anything, I'd get my little cut or scrape wiped off with a cold wash cloth and then, be forced to walk around with that big glob of Vaseline hanging off my swollen knee, accompanied by that keen burning sensation... no band-aid either.
You see, I grew up with lots of brothers and sisters, so, certain things were considered luxury items. There was lots of love to go around, but not much else. I knew nothing about healing ointment from the drug store. But, there is a different kind of "healing salve" I did know all about. If something really serious happened in our household, instead of shipping us off to the Emergency Room in a panic, Mom or Dad would break out that big old bottle of anointing oil, also known as Blessed Oil. They would take that Extra Virgin Olive Oil that had been prayed over, lay hands on us, pray the prayer of faith and send us on our way.
Trust me when I say, those moments shaped me and developed my faith. To this day, even though I know where to go to get man-made pain relief, I know there's no other power like the power of God! There's nothing else that can soothe us and reach way down deep into the recesses of our souls, like the anointing of the Holy Ghost. No matter what's going on; despite how hurt or broken we may be; whatever we might be going through, the Father sees and knows.
He can reach those unreachable places; access what is ordinarily inaccessible; and even unveil what is hidden and masked. He's a healer, soother and deliverer. I'm reminded of the aromatic gum, also known as a "spice" used for healing wounds that's referenced in the Old Testament scriptures. See, there was this certain kind of bush that was notorious for producing the resin from which a special "healing balm" was made. It grew so plentifully in the land of Gilead that, in Old Testament times, the balm became known as the “balm of Gilead”. (Jeremiah 8:22) Well, Jesus is that balm for you and me.
He is the true healer of every physical, spiritual and emotional pain we grapple with. He goes deeper than just making us temporarily "feel better," but He's able to expose, uproot and eradicate the core issues that plague us. When we ache, our temporary fix might momentarily calm the pain, but it can never calm the raging seas of life that caused the pain in the first place.
Only one man can do that. He's a different kind of healing salve, the Balm of Gilead, who can make even the wind and the seas behave. (Matthew 8:27) Whatever you need today, just call on His name and He'll be right there.
There's an old song called Healing by Gospel songwriter and composer Richard Smallwood that I'd like to leave with you today. It blesses me every time I hear it. It is my hope that it'll do the same for you...
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs