I was talking to a discouraged family friend yesterday. She's a very warm, typically joyful woman, who loves God with all her heart and truly strives to live a focused, mission-driven life. Well, when I spoke to her during a routine conversation, she began opening up to me about what had her feeling depressed and down in the dumps lately.
Graciously, she gave me permission to use her dilemma for today's blog post.
Well, for more than two and a half years, this friend has been diligently pouring her heart and soul into a business venture. She's a one-woman-operation, so the onus is on her to make the business grow without any outside help.
It's certainly not easy doing everything alone.
While passionate about what she's called to do, lately, she's been feeling burnt out, particularly because the company's growth has been very slow over these past couple of years. As we talked, she admitted that she believes God chose her to do what she's doing, but the small amount of "fruit" being produced from her labor, is slowly causing her to reconsider.
Have you ever felt like that?
If so, you know what it's like to experience that feeling of "burnout" and discouragement. During times like these, the enemy will come in and rob you of your destiny if you allow him to. He'll convince you that what you're doing is in vain. He'll tell you that you're wasting time and that, all you're pouring into your vision is for nothing.
If you buy into the enemy's lies, you'll burn out... quickly! But, if you remain confident that your unique mission has truly been ordained and inspired by God, you'll keep moving forward. So, don't burn out, because God cannot prosper what you will not pursue. If you stop, you immediately cut yourself off from the favor and blessings of God reserved for that particular area.
If you believe He's called you to it, then go after with all your heart. Do it, not just to see "results," but as an act of obedience to God's calling on your life.
Today, I admonish you not to allow Satan to steal your zeal, enthusiasm and commitment to your God-ordained purpose. Simply refuse to allow him to talk to your mind and convince you to jump ship before you get to the "other side" of destiny. Resist his lies and disparaging words.
Sure, I know it can be downright tough to persevere when you don't see bountiful fruit, but here's what you have to remember.
No one plants a garden and receives a harvest overnight. You have to water those seeds, nurture them and patiently await the season of growth and finally, reaping.
Listen. No matter what you've been hand-picked by God to carry out on earth, there's no way you'll fulfill your mission without resoluteness and determination. You've got to refuse to give up. Make up in your mind that, whether you're called to reach 1,000,000, 1,000, 100, or just 1 other person in this world, you'll do it gladly as unto the Lord.
In the meantime, keep on believing and trusting God to manifest His favor and supernatural provision. Most importantly, become resolved, at this very moment, to do everything the Lord predestined for you to do before you leave this earth... even if you've got to do it all by yourself!
Be encouraged and know that, as long as you remain submitted to the will of God, you'll see His glory revealed in your life.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs