Yesterday I interviewed international praise and worship leader Israel Houghton for the upcoming issue of EEW Magazine. We had a really great conversation and you know what? He echoed the same thing I blogged about yesterday; that is, the importance of using your everyday life.
I was thinking, I got it again! The same thing God placed in my heart yesterday came right back. This time, through the worship leader of one of the largest churches in America, Lakewood Church.
That means the Lord really wants me and you to get this thing.
Israel and his wife homeschool their 3 children and he told me that the most important thing is family. He said, "I am a Pastor. There are 4 members in my congregation: My wife and my three kids."
One of Israel Houghton's favorite things to do? Go to Target and Chuck E. Cheese with the kids. He believes that being a husband and a father is as much a ministry as his music is. That's so important.
Without giving too much of the conversation away (you'll have to read the March/April issue of EEW for that), Israel made the point that so many people chase after dreams and goals and miss life. They place the things that are most important on the back burner in order to pursue what they believe to be true happiness, when in reality they're missing the point.
I couldn't agree more.
You see, God never intended for us to become so preoccupied with chasing after things and platforms that we overlook the most important thing: Using our everyday lives to make a difference.
Israel went on to say how important it is to be a good parent, a kind, gentle, warm-hearted person and a genuine worshipper. My prayer is that God will implant a true desire in all of our hearts to live each and everyday worthy of our rich calling in Him. Not to be seen by others ... not for accolades or approval, but from a pure heart that produces a real yearning to walk out our calling in our little corner of the world.
Paul said in Ephesians 4:1 "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." (KJV)
So, continue to be the best mom, student, employer, employee, entrepreneur, church worker, leader, wife, friend, sister and most importantly, servant of Christ that you can be, every single day!
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs