I can remember the painful process of enduring labor with all four of my children. Although there was something unique about each pregnancy and subsequent birth, there was one thing that didn't change. Each time the moment came to bring a baby into this world, I would feel unrelenting pressure. Aside from the painful contractions that grew closer together by the hours... minutes... and eventually seconds, that consistent pressure created the urge for me to push.
Certainly the pressure didn't feel good, but it was necessary. It was time to give birth and that was one of the ways my body let me know. There was a baby in that birth canal and only if I pushed through the pain and pressure would I get the opportunity to hold my precious newborn.
I wonder, what is God trying to get you to give birth to? Are you feeling the pressure yet? And if so, are you pushing or are you pulling away?
This is so important to think about, because if you're not careful, you'll run away from the pressure you feel, rather than allowing it to propel you into your destiny. You see, there's a definite benefit to pressure... that is, IF you use it to your advantage.
What I mean is this.
When things get tight... when you're being squeezed...you have to learn to push in order to alleviate that pressure you feel. Ironically, when I was in that birthing room, pushing that baby was painful and pleasureful at the same time. Yes, the pressure hurt, but pushing was the only thing that relieved the pressure.
So, the pressure and the push go together.
I'll say that again... the pressure and the push go together!
You need not have one without the other, otherwise, you'll end up miserable.
Just push. Don't stop. If you can adopt a "never say die" mentality, you'll weather every fierce storm with the Lord on your side. Don't worry. He'll coach you through it.
If you don't recall anything else from this post, remember the necessity and importance of persevering through the frustration; forging ahead through the discouragement; refusing to stop pushing until you're holding a fully developed baby in your arms.
You've got to get focused and determined. No more shying away from the pain of pushing.
Listen, God has birthed something amazing in your spirit. Don't let it be stillborn simply because you refused to push through the pressure. You've got to become resolved not to give up. You've got to be steadfast and unmovable; persistent and resilient; flexible and agile... you get the picture.
Again, the benefit of pressure is that it urges you to push and persevere.
So, if you're feeling squeezed and stretched beyond your breaking point, that means God is ushering you into your breakthrough. But you can't give up. Be tenacious.
Be strong.
Stop stressing and see the pressure as your blessing.
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time...may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs