There are some things you can only learn in the furnace of affliction. There's no other way. So, even though everything in you might be screaming out in anguish, God allows you to go through it.
Through the pain, He's maturing you so He can take you to the next dimension of breakthrough, blessing and favor in your life.
Is your situation hard to handle in many ways? Do you feel like you can't take it anymore some days? If so, you're simply going through the maturation process. Don't worry. This will only make you better.
Sometimes, we wonder why we have to go through such intense warfare. Why can't it be smoother sailing? Why does the storm have to rage? Well, those fierce winds and angry seas serve to strengthen us if we don't give up. When we come out on the other side of trouble, we're more mature, settled and courageous.
You see, in the Kingdom of God, we're constantly going through the process of growth and development. Although you and I might be "grown" according to our chronological age, God is always working to refine, develop and mature us even more. Even though there are certain life lessons we have grasped over the years, there is no substitute for the wisdom of God. As long as we're on this earth, we will never arrive at a place where we no longer need to grow up in Him.
That's what our tests are about. God allows them to come so the areas in us that need more work will be revealed and also, to teach us profound lessons that will carry us along as we confront new challenges in life.
Unfortunately, however, many believers shy away from those necessary growing pains. They don't want to deal with the pain of pruning, molding, and purging.
After all, there's nothing fun about being purified by the refiners' fire. (Malachi 3:2,3) It's good for us and yet it feels AWFUL. But don't run away. Be still and let God do His work. If you do, you'll reap the benefits in the end. You'll live a more abundant, enriched and blessed life.
You see, if we could consistently remind ourselves that we're a work in progress, merely clay, in need of constant molding, we wouldn't get so discouraged while God sculpts us. We would be more malleable in His hands. We wouldn't be so disgruntled while we go through the furnace of affliction. If we remained focused on the benefits of the test, rather than the discomfort of it, we'd more willingly stay on the Potter's wheel (Jeremiah 18) with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Perhaps you've been going through some real hard trials. You might not understand. But hang in there. You're just on the Potter's wheel that's all. He's molding you into something beautiful. He's maturing you, changing your mentality and preparing you for your destiny.
What you're dealing with today is about your maturity.
- It takes maturity to remain steadfast in faith when everything seems to be crumbling around you.
- It takes maturity to praise instead of complain when your world is upside down.
- It takes maturity to forgive even when you want to hold a grudge.
- It takes maturity to remain faithful to God even when you feel forsaken.
- It takes maturity to be disciplined in your study of God's word even though you're busy.
- It takes maturity to bridle your tongue when you want to say the wrong thing.
- It takes maturity to still honor God in your giving when bills are due and you don't know where the money is coming from.
- It takes maturity to skip the pity party and join the praise party.
As I said earlier, what you're dealing with today is about your maturity.
What area is God working on in you?
Whatever He's doing, don't fret about it. It'll do you good. "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn your statutes" (Psalm 119:7).
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs