I home school my children and sometimes when they have difficulty grasping a concept, I find that they become reluctant to try. As their primary teacher it is my job, not only to help them learn new concepts, but also to build their confidence in their abilities. Because I know that if they believe they can they'll be more inclined to put forth real effort. On the other hand, if they become intimidated by the new challenge, they're less likely to attempt to master it.
What about you? When you're unsure of what the outcome will be, do you shy away from the challenge, or do you tackle it head on, knowing that if you just try you'll eventually get it? Think about it. Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by obstacles to the point where you grow defeated in your thinking... and eventually, in your actions (or lack thereof)?
I want you to remember something. Here goes: Intimidation leads to hesitation, which ultimately keeps us from arriving at our final destination. You see, when we allow opposition and difficulty to intimidate us, we often stop progressing. In fact, we tend to regress, and lose ground because we feel unsure of ourselves. We won't even try. How sad is that?
That isn't God's will for us. After all, we'll never know what He has in store for us if we never work toward anything. He wants us to trust Him enough to pray for direction and at the very least, make an attempt at reaching our goals.
Do something.
Just try.
If things don't work out the first time--and sometimes they won't (that's just a natural part of life)-- don't get discouraged and become too afraid to get back out there. No. Go right back to the drawing board, ask God for more understanding and clarity, and then... try again.
I once heard someone say, "If you fail to try, you're destined to fail." That statement is so true, and yet, many of us stand passively by, without taking any meaningful steps toward the fulfillment of what we believe is our God-ordained purpose and destiny.
But why?
Tragically, I think many individuals watch life pass them by for fear of failure. To them, it's safer to remain stagnant... then they don't have to deal with any surprises. And they certainly won't have to face the disappointment of having their hopes and expectations dashed.
They're prisoners to fear.
I don't know how you feel about it, but I don't want to live my life succumbing to fear, while failing to trust in God--the only one who holds my future firmly in His grasp. I choose to trust Him, with full confidence that, if He sends me, He'll give me whatever I need to accomplish the task. And if I should fail along the way, it will be a lesson learned, and I'll be better prepared the next go round. Hey, at least I tried...
I admonish you today not to go through life worried about "what if," without ever taking practical steps toward the realization of your dreams. Just try... and be sure that a positive attitude filled with faith and optimism always accompanies your best efforts. When you begin to expect bigger and better things, you'll reap bigger and better things. You'll also be less hesitant to launch out into unknown territory.
No matter what the odds appear to be; if God is on your side, you can do anything. Tell yourself, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13 KJV).
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs