I often discuss the necessity of waiting on the Lord before making a move. I stand firmly by that position; yet, there are times when God calls us to make a move even when circumstances are frighteningly imperfect. He'll open up a door and challenge us to walk through it although we feel ill-equipped for the task.
If you happen to be in the "waiting place" today, you must realize that you won't be there forever. There will come a time when God will call you to spring into action; when this happens, His call may seem premature or impossible to fulfill.
But it's not.
You can never allow what you see--or don't see for that matter--to deter you from fulfilling God's purpose for your life. While talking to CBN about his book called, The Principles and Power of Vision, Dr. Myles Munroe said something that I believe is richly profound.
"I think that the greatest gift God
ever gave man is not the gift of sight but the gift of vision," said Dr. Munroe. "Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function
of the heart. When a person doesn't have a vision, they live by their
eyes. That means we live by what we see. That's one of the reasons why
people are so depressed, and that's why the future never becomes a
reality. Vision is a source of hope; it's the source of courage; it's
the source of perseverance in the midst of difficulty."
I wonder; are you living by your vision or by your sight? Are you paralyzed by what you see, or mobilized by what you believe?
"Are you paralyzed by what you see, or mobilized by what you believe?"
Listen. If you happen to be waiting for tangible evidence that the "perfect time" has arrived to grab hold to what God has spoken to you, then, chances are, you'll be waiting forever.
Look. God doesn't want you to rely on what you observe in the natural; He wants you to trust in what has been revealed to you, by Him, in the spirit realm.
He is arresting your attention once again so you don't make the mistake of becoming comfortable in the waiting place. He wants you to know that in due season His will and purpose will, without a doubt, be fulfilled in your life. But if you become complacent where you are, you'll lose the expectation of the realization of your God-given hopes and dreams. Furthermore, you won't be ready to move when the time is right.
...and let me remind you again. The right time won't necessarily look like the right time; when it comes, you may not have all the resources, connections, insight, and ability you THINK you need.
Still, don't be deterred by that. Instead, trust in God's word. Obey His voice. Follow His leading and remember: Although there may never be a perfect time in our own estimation, God's timing is always perfect!
As always, thanks for reading, and until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs