Whenever you think you have God all figured out you get hit with a curve ball. "Huh?" You think to yourself. "This doesn't make sense, and it certainly doesn't fall in line with my assumptions!"
God's methods are a lot like the Rubik's Cube, a mechanical puzzle invented in 1974 by the Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture, Ernő Rubik.
Better yet, His ways are elusive like the modern Sudoku puzzles. Each is simply--or not-so-simply...puzzling. (No pun intended:-)
Yet, there is a fundamental difference to keep in mind. With these man-made brain teasers, if you keep working at it, without quitting in the process, the answers will emerge eventually. You just have to remain patient, focused, and diligent.
God, on the other hand, is a Sovereign Being. He's all-knowing and all-powerful. Unlike the Rubik's Cube and Sudoku, you can't master the art of marking God's footsteps, so to speak, no matter how hard you try.
Even after a long, persistent, and focused effort, all your attempts at "decoding' His mind and His will... will utterly fail.
If you're an avid Empowering Everyday Women blog reader, you already know what advice I'm going to give next...
STOP TRYING TO BOX GOD IN AND FIGURE HIM OUT. If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times; His ways are past finding out. He's sovereign. He plays by no one's rules but His own. I know it can be vexing when we want things to go one way and they take a drastically different turn.
Sometimes, I think God allows this to happen in order to test our faith. It's quite easy to believe His word when everything appears to be on target, right? You have no need to worry during seasons when the sun is shining and rain clouds are nowhere in sight.
But what about those gloomy days when the skies are overcast and the forecast looks bleak? Will you still believe then?
I hope so, because there's no other way to get to your promise except by faith in the one who made the promise to begin with.
I know you want everything to add up. We all do. Making sense of things is a basic human desire; it creates a feeling of normalcy, order, and balance. But the Lord never promised a life of ease, luxury, and comfort on our journey.
We'll inevitably hit some bumps along our rocky path, but it still doesn't change the fact that God is, as I always say, faithful to perform His word concerning you. It may not feel like it, and it may not seem like things will come together. Oh, but I know what I sense in my spirit. I can feel the breaking of day, can't you?
You have to shake yourself and side with God against your reason. I know that's not easy. Still, make a decision to believe His word despite the circumstances. You may as well believe... what other alternative do you have?
Hey, attempting to get God to do things on your timetable and on your terms, is a mere exercise in futility. Trust me. Please save your energy. Been there. Done that. Went through several boxes of tissues...it didn't work.
Just know that what He's doing goes far beyond your logic and mine. As I told you yesterday, you may as well calm down, strap in, and enjoy the ride!
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs