I woke up this morning with something very important to share, so pay very close attention. It's time now, like never before, to examine the primary influences in your life. I know I've talked about it before, but it's essential for you to grasp what I'm attempting to convey.
When we give our time to unhealthy individuals, their influence rubs off on us. It really does change the way we think and behave. This can be extremely dangerous, especially because it often goes unnoticed. The changes in us are subtle at first. Before we even recognize it, we're living under the influence of mentally, spiritually, and emotionally unhealthy individuals.
Please don't ignore the signs. Check your associations.
I'm sure you have heard about individuals who get arrested and charged with a "DUI," which means, "Driving under the influence."
Unfortunately, many individuals drive under the influence of alcohol, because they often feel like they can handle the "buzz" without losing control of themselves. In many cases, though, someone ends up badly hurt before they realize how much they've been affected by the drinks they've consumed.
Well, God is arresting your attention today. He wants you to know that, you too, are driving under the influence. You're attempting to navigate your way through life with toxic people on board. They've got to go. God wants to give you favor, but you have to get rid of some folks first.
You see, when you remain connected to toxic individuals, it takes a toll on you. Whether you admit it or not, you're affected. We lose control of ourselves. Our thinking is altered. Our behavior becomes erratic. We throw caution to the wind and begin following our impulses.
In these moments, we don't see that we're headed for a crash landing. All-too-often, we don't realize how far we've fallen until it's too late.
If you'll allow God to do His work, He's going to start disconnecting you from some people and things. There are particular relationships that need to be broken. And this doesn't only apply to "romantic" relationships. There are some "girlfriends," "confidants," and "advisers" who just aren't good for you. So, God is going to step in and begin unlinking you.
Why? Because your mind needs to be cleansed. Some habits you've picked up need to be broken. Your heart must be mended.
But in order for this process to work you have to be willing to take the blinders off. Ask God to open your eyes. Pray that He humbles you and helps you to see those things that have been hidden.
Listen, the Lord loves you. He wants you to make the best decisions. He most certainly wants you to fulfill the purpose for which He created you. If you want God's best, then you're going to have to go through a purging. You're going to have to shed some things and people.
Although the idea of losing those you love and care about doesn't sound too thrilling, the results will be amazing. You'll notice changes immediately. You'll begin to grow by leaps and bounds. You'll come into your own as never before. Above all, you'll instantly make space for God to do the miraculous in your life.
It's your season to pull away from old associations and embrace divine connections. God has good things in store for you. Please hear me. If you're reading this post, it's not by accident. I want you to think long and hard about those who are around you.
From today onward, I want you to tell yourself, "If it's not a God connection I don't want to be connected to it at all."
My prayer is that He will uncover every imposter in your life. May they be exposed for who and what they really are. All those false friends, allies, and mentors must be unveiled. It's necessary for your progress. As I've told you before, once you release the counterfeit, you open up the way for God to bring the real thing into your life.
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs