My husband loves technology. Although I do understand quite a bit about
it, I'm not fanatical. My dear husband, on the other hand, loves
gadgets. Well, he recently bought me a new cell phone. This would give
some people great joy, but not me. I'm a simple kind of gal. As long as
I can make and receive calls, I'm happy.
You see, my problem is this. There's always the dreaded "learning
curve" with new phones. The keypad is different. The controls are
unique. And whenever I get a new phone, I have to re-learn everything.
The other day, my sister sent me a text message. When I didn't respond,
she called me. I told her, "Yeah, I got the message, but I don't know
how to respond on this new phone." It's pretty intricate. Not only do I
have to learn a whole new system, I have to switch all my contacts to a
new device. (Sigh)
So, what's my point?... Because I know you certainly didn't log on to hear me rant
about my cell phone whoas. Okay, I'll tell you. Whenever you get ready to do
anything new, there's always going to be a learning curve. Always.
You'll have to get acclimated to something new. You'll be forced to
branch out into new territory.
Although this may be daunting at times, don't let it deter you, and by
all means, don't let it stop you! If you keep working toward your
goals, eventually, you'll reach them. You most certainly will hit some
bumpy patches, but that's all right. Take it one day at a time; one
step at a time; one goal at a time; one victory at a time. Before you
know it, you will have mastered the thing that once left you baffled
and miffed.
Listen to me. You have the power to do the impossible. Really, you do.
But if you never tap into that power, you'll never know what you're
capable of. So, today, I want you to cast off doubt and fear. Recognize
that learning curves are only temporary setbacks on the road to bigger
and better things.
God wants to use your life as an example to people everywhere of what
prayer, persistence, and the power of the Holy Spirit can do. If you're
not afraid to fumble, stumble, and bumble through a few things; you're
the perfect candidate for what God is getting ready to do.
Granted, learning curves aren't very much fun. They can be quite frustrating actually. But, you can get through them. If
you'll remain confident in your ability, composed in the storm, and
convinced in your mind, there's nothing you can't accomplish!
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs