In our fast-paced society, it's so easy to get frenzied about making things happen quickly. Everywhere we look, we're enticed to have everything we want right now. We're constantly bombarded with messages that tell us, "Why wait when you can have it all today?" Subconsciously, we internalize these notions, while discarding more healthy principles like, "Good things come to those who wait." Whatever happened to that mentality?
We drive ourselves crazy trying to have things our way-- particularly within our preferred time frame. But God doesn't work on our schedules. His methods are not tailored to best suit our preferences. He doesn't respond to our whims and complaints. In truth, getting worked up only stresses you out. It doesn't, however, speed up God's timetable.
We don't serve a reactionary God. Never forget that. He doesn't adjust His plans just because we don't like them. No amount of crying or questioning Him is going change the fact that, you have to be still and let God do His work. Don't try to help God out.
And please don't hurt yourself trying to figure Him out. That's a pure waste of time. Trust me, I know. There have been times when I've wanted something so badly I thought I COULDN'T wait. I tried to work my own plan and ended up hurt, frustrated, disappointed, and in a mess-- or "a hot mess," as some folks say.
Listen, God has made some promises to you, and He never ever breaks His word. But here's the catch. He doesn't tell us when He's going to bring His word to pass. That's what we don't know.
So, in the meantime, save yourself a whole lot of tears and unnecessary stressing. Rest in His promise and know, whatever is for you... is for you. If you're going to get all He has for you, you're simply going to have to step back and let the Lord do things His way. It's not for you or me to decide.
Just remind yourself, even when you don't understand what He's doing, God's way is the best way!
When you get restless, remember these song lyrics: "What God has for me, it is for me. I know without a doubt, that He will bring me out. What God has for me, it is for me!"
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs