God is about to introduce you to some new roles in your life, but that doesn't mean He wants you to change what's unique about you. Focus on celebrating your uniqueness, and God will show you how to excel even in unfamiliar territory. You see, whenever you try to be someone else you lose the essence of what makes you special.
Don't ever be ashamed of the person God made you to be. Otherwise, you'll end up doing whatever you think is necessary to mold the perceptions of others. You'll be whoever you think you need to be in that moment. That's both dangerous and unhealthy. Remember, anything or anyone requiring you to be someone other than the person God destined you to be, is not for you. In cases like these, try changing your associations instead of changing yourself.
While you may understand what I'm saying, it's not quite as easy to implement--especially when you're unsure of yourself. Whenever you're thrust into a new challenge, it can be difficult to know how to handle it. You want to excel and achieve great things. You want to establish and secure fruitful relationships. You want everything to work out.
So, what do we often end up doing? You guessed it... trying to change the essence of who we are.
You see, we try to reinvent ourselves, so that we will be perceived a certain way. But that's not what God wants us to do. If you don't embrace who you are and boldly project that to the world, how do you ever expect to attract the divine connections God wants to send your way?
Listen, the people and opportunities God has set aside for you, don't require you to be anyone other than who you are. You don't have to pretend. You don't have to make apologies for where you are in your life. And you certainly don't have to hide behind a fake mask. All you need to do is just be. That's right. Just be you. Be comfortable in your skin. And whatever is meant to be, will be.
It's as simple as that. I don't want you to get caught up picking yourself apart, being critical of yourself, or feeling like you don't have what it takes. That's simply not true. You have everything you need to do what God has called you to do.
God didn't intend for you to be a chameleon; He made you an original. You're supposed to set the tone for others, and not the other way around. Open your eyes and see how wonderfully unique, colorful, vibrant, and creative you are. Don't change that. Embrace it.
When we attempt to change who we are, we depreciate our value, instead of appreciating the person God made us to be. In essence, we say, "I don't like me. I want to be somebody else."
Before I go, let me say this. Tapping into who God made you to be requires prayer, focus, and determination. He simply wants you to maximize the unique capabilities you already possess, in order to fulfill the dream God has implanted in you. When you do that He'll be pleased with you, and I daresay, you'll be pleased with you too!
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs