week, I challenge you to get determined. In our fast-paced culture,
could it be that we have become so used to getting what we want quickly
and easily that the virtues of determination, patience, and
perseverance have suffered?
Authentic confidence says, 'I may not know how
to get it right now, but there is a way, and I am determined to find
it.' You may have to work harder than you thought. You may have to be
creative. You may have to step outside your comfort zone and do it
differently than everyone around you.
But when it comes to your destiny,
there is always a way to work around the obstacles. In fact, the
obstacles are often there so that you can develop the character traits you need to succeed in the next phase of your life."
The above is an excerpt from Christian author and Life Coach, Valorie Burton. She's attempting to help us recognize that life will inevitably present challenges, roadblocks, and obstacles. However, rather than waving the white flag of surrender, we've gotta learned to press our way through to victory.
Make up in your mind that "nothing is going to stop me." "I won't let anything stand in my way." Don't dare give up. Just find an alternate path and work your way around it.
Get creative. You have to begin focusing on the endless reservoirs of untapped potential stored up in you. In order to do that, you have to stop fixating on your limitations, and get out there and get to work.
Then you will discover hidden treasures stored inside you that you didn't know existed. Listen, greatness lives in you. It's just been buried.
So, what do you do now? Release that latent genius. Ignore those obstacles... just work around it girl.
We all have things in life we have to overcome. None of us gets a free pass. As a matter of fact, the misconception that says, "things ought to be easy," is what keeps us discouraged. I want you to always know that great victories come with great effort.
If you're not afraid to put on your thinking cap and break outside the box, before you know it you'll be doing things you never knew you were capable of! Let me warn you, even when you're doing great things, it won't always feel great.
It will get hard sometimes. It won't always be sunny. There will dark, rainy days when you're unsure about whether you can truly go on. But that's all right. Whatever deterrents manifest along the way, don't for one moment feed into them. Just know, that it's all a natural part of the process. Just work around that stuff and REFUSE to give up.
Think about it. We are all stubborn in one way or another, so how about being stubborn for the right reason? How about being stubborn when everything looks impossible? How about being stubborn when it seems like you should just throw your hands up?
I want you to put your game face on and set your heart on one goal, and that is, having EVERYTHING God has for you. If you want it, go get it!
Until next time . . . may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs
P.S. If you enjoyed the article I referenced in the beginning of this post, and you want to read the rest of it (it's a good one, by the way) click here. It's featured in our August 2007 issue of EEW Magazine.