Have you ever heard the saying, "True friends don't require an explanation. Enemies won't believe it?" Well, I want to talk to you today about losing the need to win over people's approval, and accepting the love of God. You see, if you're often misunderstood, it's very easy to get sucked into the cycle of explaining yourself at every turn.
You don't want people to think you're mean. You don't want them to think you're "stuck up." You don't want them to think that YOU think you're better than everybody else. You don't want them to feel slighted... you want to make everybody feel good.
And while being kind to others is a virtue that Jesus wants each of us to possess, at no time does He instruct us to overcompensate. Can I get an amen? If you're not careful, you'll find yourself trying to justify all of your actions. You'll do whatever is in your power not to offend anyone.
So you end up walking on egg shells and trying to choose your words very carefully. You try to "dot every i and cross every t" so that everyone will be happy. But listen. That's not your job. There is no way you can please everyone.
You know why? Because each individual has there own unique perspective of the world. No two people think exactly the same way. If you spend all of your time trying to please others, you'll never be able to please God. You'll be constantly side-tracked, trying to be a super-hero... or a super-heroine.
That's not what God created you for. There is only one Messiah who was sent to save the world... and that is not you; it is Jesus Christ. He is the only One assigned to carry the weight of the world on His shoulders.
I want you, from today onward, to begin embracing who you are. Don't make apologies for your personality or your opinions. Stop trying to explain your motives all the time... those who truly love you will work to believe the best about you anyway. Now, I am certainly not espousing that you mistreat people, or blatantly disregard everyone's feelings. That's not at all what I'm saying.
I am advising, however, that you take a long hard look at why you may suffer from the "disease to please." Ask yourself, "Why do I feel the need to explain and justify my actions? Why do I try to do what makes other people happy?"
After you begin thinking about it, then, I want you to start praying about it. Ask God to give you the strength to stand on your own two feet. "Rather than seeking to win the approval of others, seek to be happy despite the disapproval of others."
Because as long as you're in this world, someone will disagree with your choices and opinions. Everyone will not applaud you. Everyone will not celebrate your accomplishments.
But the most important thing to remember is this: If your life is pleasing to God, that's all the approval that matters . . . and it's all the acceptance you'll ever need.
Until next time... may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs