Have you ever just felt downright "sick and tired" of something? I mean, those times when you feel like, "I have had it up to here with this?" Well, I want to propose the idea that being sick and tired is a great thing... but only on one condition.
You've gotta be sick and tired enough to do something about it. You see, your outward attitude is a result of your inward feelings. But feelings are not enough. You have to be willing to change your behavior, in order to change your situation.
You have to be sick and tired enough to shake yourself loose from whatever it is that has you tied up. Remember the Prodigal Son? (See Luke 15:11-32) He took his inheritance, partied hearty, and ended up broke busted and disgusted. After all his money, friends, and good times were gone, he found himself in a pig pin. He was thinking about eating pig slop, but then, something happened.
He got sick and tired of being sick and tired. The Bible says, "When he came to his senses he said, How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!" (Luke 15:17 NIV) And you know what he did after that?
He didn't do what the average person does, and what we do all too often. And what might that be? Uh... something like sitting around moping, complaining, crying, and rehashing what we "shoulda, coulda, woulda" done. Sound familiar?
Instead, he used the common sense that the good Lord gave him, got up out of that mess and went back to his father's house. Now, what should we learn from that? It doesn't matter how far you've fallen--whether spiritually, financially, emotionally, or otherwise; you've heard it said, "If you can look up, you can get up."
You don't have to stay stuck in a rut. You don't have to live your life "wishing things were different." No! You have the power to change it. I'm reminded of Moses, when he and the Children of Israel were being chased by Pharaoh's army. (See Exodus 14) The Red Sea was in front of them, and their murderous pursuers were behind them. It looked like they were stuck between a rock and a hard place.
But don't you know that if God is for you, He's more than the whole world against you? Well, the Lord told Moses to use that rod that was already in his hand and stretch it out over the sea. When Moses obeyed, what happened? God made a way out of no way, and the water parted and stood at attention. Then, the Israelites walked across on dry land.
Don't tell me what God can't do! I wonder; what's in your hand that you're not using?
Today, I want you to get sick and tired enough to tap into the wisdom, power, creativity, and fortitude that God has placed inside of you; and begin taking steps toward changing those things you're unhappy with.
I talk to you everyday. I tell you all the time. You have the power. Now use it!
Until next time . . . may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs