The Lord has been dealing with me about something today. So, of course, I'm going to share it with you. As I was seeking Him for guidance and direction regarding some business dealings, as well as my personal ministry, He began speaking to me.
I'll spare you the long discourse and instead, share the meat of the exchange.
Essentially, we, as a body of believers have to begin voicing and standing by our Godly convictions. You see, our divine purpose has to be at the center of everything we do in our lives. Many opportunities will come, but it is our duty to sift through everything that comes across our path and ask, "Does this align with my purpose? Is this what God called me to do? Am I really abiding in my calling?"
If you can't answer "yes" with certainty, then, perhaps you're not living on purpose. The enemy is crafty and cunning and he desires to sift us as wheat. But if we learn to follow our Godly convictions, rather than our fleshly desires, we would experience more productivity in our lives.
We must understand that the world we live in is diametrically opposed to the things of God. The philosophies, trends, ideas, and ideals, do not reflect God's statutes. It is our job to uphold the tenets of our faith, and shine as a beacon of light to our generation. In order to bring God glory, we MUST live on purpose.
I wonder; are you living a life of purpose? Not your own purpose, but the one God intended for you before the foundations of the world? Have you consulted Him regarding His will for your life? Are you striving everyday to please Him in all you say and do?
If not, you're off purpose. And until you find your way back to doing things in accordance with His will, you won't be happy. You won't be fulfilled. A void will remain in your heart... and it's one that only God can fill.
Once you make up your mind to extract everything that is contrary to God's will from your life, He will show Himself strong on your behalf. He will manifest His best for you. I want you to remember this: "Nothing should be attached to you that is detached from your vision for your life. If it's not connected to God's will, it should not be connected to you."
As you read this post, I want you to recognize that from this moment forward, God is holding you accountable. That's right, He's holding you to a higher standard. Why? Here's why... "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" (Luke 12:48b NIV).
God has invested so much in you and entrusted so much to you. He wants you to live everyday on purpose, so that He can get the greatest return on His greatest investment. Oh, He has such good things in store for you. But you've got to stay in the center of His will in order to reap the bountiful harvest of blessings!
Until next time . . . may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs