Sometimes life can really
get the best of you. You feel like you’re drowning under all the pressure. You
need someone or something to breathe new life into you. Well today, I’m going
to give you some CPR. I won’t let you die on me. You’ve got too much to live
for and far too many blessings to grab hold of!
God never promised your
road would always be easy. He never said you would know all the answers. He
never assured you that you wouldn’t struggle sometimes, but one thing is
certain: If you keep moving toward your goal, you’ll make it.
CPR is an acronym for three words:
1. Consistence
2. Persistence
3. Resilience
Be Consistent. Be disciplined. Be focused. Don’t give a half-hearted effort. Rather,
everyday, do something to get closer to your goals. It makes no sense to get
frustrated with a situation, especially when you haven’t worked at it with any
regularity. You can’t be, “On again, off again,” and expect to see the results
you want.
Think about something for
a moment. How much further would you go in life, if you were more consistent? You
would reach your goals much faster, wouldn’t you? If you look at some of your
biggest failures and disappointments in life, they can often be traced back to
an undisciplined lifestyle.
Þ You didn’t
consistently pay the bills.
Þ You didn’t
consistently eat the right foods.
Þ You didn’t
consistently show up for work on time.
Þ You didn’t
consistently study for class.
Þ You didn’t
consistently save money.
Consistency is the key
that unlocks limitless possibilities. Do the little things consistently and
you’ll see big results in your life!
Be persistent. Be unstoppable. Be unflinching. When you set your mind to do
something, don’t let anything deter you. Refuse to quit. I mean, get indignant
about it. You have to realize that, you don’t have anything to lose, but you
have everything to gain.
Unfortunately, too many
people lack follow-through. They start something, but they give up before it
has a chance to work. At the first sign of trouble, they abort the mission. But
that’s no way to live. You’ll never accomplish anything significant if you
don’t stick to it. You have to remain persistent. Work at it and then, work at
it some more. It’ll come together. But don’t you quit.
Be Resilient. Be strong. Be firm. Be unyielding. Be unmovable. Be
resistant to fear. Resist the temptation to cave in under pressure. That’s how
you overcome. You’ve got to be obstinate and stubborn in your belief. Tell
yourself, “I can do this.” Better yet say, “I will do this.”
When something comes to
knock you down, get back up again and keep moving. That’s what resilience is
all about.
You’ve got the goods to
make it happen. You’ve got everything it takes. Yes you do! Don’t argue with me
. . . I said you do. So then, why doesn’t it feel like you do? Because you’re
letting the difficulty of the challenge get inside your head. Don’t do that.
Instead, plant your feet, dig
your heels in, and pull out that strength inside of you. I told you before,
some victories are hard fought. Everything doesn’t always flow naturally. Some
days are easier than others. Remember difficult
and doable aren’t mutually exclusive.
What do I mean by that? I mean, you can succeed at something, even when it’s
hard. It just takes more focus and more resolve. When you resist failure you
make success possible.
So, if you’re thinking of
throwing in the towel, or if you’re battling with your confidence in your
ability to make it through something, here’s what I want you to do.
Imagine me grabbing you by
both arms, looking you squarely in the eyes and shaking you. This is what I’m
saying: “Don’t you dare give up. There have been times I thought I couldn’t
make it. There have been times I felt like I was in way over my head. There
have been times I didn’t know how things would work out. But God brought me
through it and He’s going to do the same thing for you!”
I mean it. I know it can
be nerve-wracking when the pressure is on. You feel uncertain about whether you
can make it. You’re unsure about how things will turn out.
But you don’t have to be
afraid. All you have to do is let this
CPR work. Be consistent persistent, and resilient. Now, take a deep breath and
snatch your confidence back. It’s all going to come together. I know it will.
Until next time . . . may you be empowered to prosper!