It’s easy to misread people’s intentions, far too easy! So, be very careful. Be watchful. You see, some people are deceptive, disloyal, and underhanded. They’re just downright sneaky. And you have to be on guard, otherwise, you’ll never even see them coming. They’ll try to lie and sweet talk their way out of . . . or into anything. You don’t have to say amen. I know I’m right.
They’ll flash those pearly whites at you and make you think they’re on your side. But everybody smiling ain’t nice and everybody that’s talkin’ right ain’t necessarily right.
Trust me when I tell you, I’ve encountered many individuals who seemed well-intentioned. They said all the right things. They seemed to be the most genuine, kind, and nurturing people, until one day . . . they couldn’t fake it anymore. And like a flooding river, their true nature burst forth and overshadowed their lame attempts at deceit. Their Judas-like nature was revealed in a moment.
Now let me warn you. It won’t always happen that way. Some folks are highly skilled in the art of deception. You won’t have any idea that they're walking around with that much toxicity and dishonesty inside them. They don’t slip up too often and when they do, they fast talk their way out of it. I’m talking about those silver-tongued individuals. They’re often as persuasive as they are vindictive.
If you don’t want to be hurt by them you have to begin paying more attention. Become sharper and more focused. Learn to read the subtle signs. Don’t be so quick to trust. And even when someone seems sweet and forthcoming at first glance, be sure to pray for God’s guidance and direction. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NKJV).
He won’t steer you down the wrong path. He’ll give you direction and guidance. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105 NKJV). Just open your eyes and your ears.
God wants to take you into a new season. He doesn’t want you hitting your head up against the same brick walls. You don’t have to keep being manipulated, messed over, and emotionally wounded. You can have healthy and fruitful relationships. But you have to begin seeing people for who they really are.
Don’t ever shut your eyes to the truth that’s right in front of you. I told you before, “If it looks like a duck and it walks like a duck . . . it’s a duck!” Conversely, never take for granted that you know somebody just because of what you see. Don’t think that you’re too smart and perceptive to be deceived.
There are some things that only God Himself is able to reveal. He may show you through a dream, a word of knowledge, a scripture . . . or even a blog post. But one thing is sure. He won’t let you veer off the path toward wholeness, healing, health, and happiness unless you refuse His warnings. If you hearken and heed to His voice, He’ll reveal the intimate details that no other can show you.
He wants you to see the truth. But the question is, “Can you handle the truth?” If you’re ready for a healthy dose of divine insight and revelation, I want you to pray this simple prayer right now:
“Lord, I don’t want to go through life groping in the darkness for answers. I don’t want to be deceived and hurt. Help me to trust You to reveal the true character of those who claim to love me. Above all, give me the strength and wisdom to heed Your voice when You speak. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Before I go I want to make a note that, this post won’t impact everyone on the same level. However, those of you who know you’ve been hurt and have been seeking God to help you make better character choices He’s going to do it.
He’s going to reveal His will and show you the things you’ve been praying for.
Until next time . . . may you be empowered to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs