Are you a highly
reactionary person? Do you panic and go to pieces easily? Well, I want to help
you get over it because if you want to make significant strides in life, you’ve
gotta learn how to relax.
Seriously, it’s a terrible
thing to constantly worry and stress out over every unfortunate thing that happens.
It does you no good. It reminds me of one of my favorite questions in the
Bible. Matthew 6:27, in the Contemporary English Version says, “Can worrying
make you grow taller?” Of course it can’t, right?
So, why does the scripture
ask us something seemingly so silly and blatantly obvious? It’s to help us see
how futile and fruitless it is to waste time fretting over trifles and
trivialities in life. You know, the other day, I was on a website that houses
thousands of articles, right. Anyway, under the “women’s interest category”
guess what the number one article was . . . It was called “How to Make Yourself Taller by Doing Stretching
How ironic! But doesn’t
that perfectly illustrate my point? We obsess over such insignificant things
and God wants to get our attention. He wants us to realize that He is with us.
He has our best interest in mind. He has great plans for our lives.
But as long as we remain
in a perpetual state of panic, we can never hear God. And certainly, His peace
can never rule in our hearts if we’re spending all of our time worrying. Look,
I know things get tough sometimes. Truth be told, we all have moments when we
can’t see our way clearly. Still, losing our composure and going ballistic
isn’t going to change anything.
Then, what will change
things? I’m so glad you asked that question. You may even know what I’m going
to say . . . PRAYER. That’s what turns circumstances around. When you seek God
fervently and diligently, He’ll come to your rescue.
I don’t care what you’re going through or
how difficult the obstacles may seem. God’s word is still true and I know for
myself that, the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avail much. (See
James 5:16) One of my favorite Psalms says, “I have been young, and now am old;
yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psalm
37:25 KJV).
So, if by chance, you’re going through
some changes. I want you to compose yourself and enter into a state of repose.
Know that God is on your side. You’re coming through this thing and guess how
the story ends. You win!
You had to click on this post today to get
the message that things are turning around in your favor. I want you to begin
declaring right now, “It is well with my
soul! Everything is already worked out. Provision has already been made for
everything I need.”
For the rest of this day and beyond,
whenever you feel like panicking, I want you to start praising instead. Stop
complaining and start thanking and watch what God does.
Until next time . . . may you be empowered
to prosper!
Dianna Hobbs