Hey ladies! Alrighty then, let's jump into it. Today I want to focus on something very important and I want you to listen well. I speak to so many women who struggle with the desire to be accepted and validated. They find themselves searching for the love and approval of others. They end up compromising their integrity to fill a void in their hearts. Unfortunately, few ever realize that the very thing they seek is within.
Here's a bit of advice I want to give you. Never look for affirmation from others. You must give that to yourself. How? By seeing yourself as God sees you. Don't wait for someone else to tell you that, you're good enough. You must know that already. Because as long as your worth is tied to their opinion, everytime their opinion of you changes, so does your sense of worth. Does that make sense to you?
Listen, people are very fickle. One day they love you. The next they don't. One day they think you're wonderful. The next, they think you're shady. And frankly, you don't have time to try and predict the "whether." Notice I said "whether," and not "weather." So, what do I mean? I'll tell you.
You can't worry about:
WHETHER they will love you today.
WHETHER they will approve of you this week.
WHETHER they agree with your perspective.
WHETHER they think you're beautiful.
WHETHER they think you'll prosper.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Attempting to predict the whether, will keep you at the mercy of those with ever-changing feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Sometimes they're all sunshine and smiles, other days they're all thunder and grumbling. Who has time for that?
You must choose to assert yourself, regardless to the whether. Tell yourself, I'm having my picnic, despite the storm. I'm going to enjoy my life in spite of their disapproval. I won't let anyone rain on my parade. I'm dressin' myself up, gettin' in my float, puttin' Vaseline on my teeth, wearin' my best smile . . . and wavin' to that crowd, whether they're cheering or booing. I still know who I am.
So, after today, I want you to lose your preoccupation with other people, and begin to be true to yourself. Live the life God has for you without apology. Step into your season of influence and increase.
I want you to say, "So what if they are disagreeable, disgruntled, and distant. They have to work that out however they need to." It is not your duty to placate them. But it is your duty to honor God with your life, and remain true to yourself.
As you well know, difficult people are everywhere. They're unavoidable. But you don't have to feed into their nonsense. Can I get an "Amen" right there? You don't have to participate in their antics. You can emotionally disengage right in the middle of their tirade.
Perhaps, you're going through a tough situation with a co-worker (or several), a family member (or your whole family), your boss, your children, your spouse, your boo, your so-called best friend . . . it could be anyone.
Still, you must never lose yourself in attempt to win them. Never.
Until next time . . . may you be empowered to prosper.
Dianna Hobbs